asteroid belt


The asteroi belt is the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets. The asteroid belt region is also termed the main belt to distinguish it from other concentrations of minor planets within the Solar System, such as the Kuiper belt and scattered disk.

Trivia about asteroid belt

  • In the early '70s Pioneer 10 & 11 slipped through this "belt" to reach Jupiter

Tweets about asteroid belt

  • 魔空「アステロイドベルト」 asteroid belt:小惑星帯 魔理沙が星弾を放つ。左右からも星弾が迫ってくる。
  • ♫ "Asteroid Belt" by Antibreak #np #dnbradio
  • @JadenAll did you just recently break through the asteroid belt or something?
  • @asteroid_belt 放送まで待とうかと思ってたけど出来心でつい見に行ってしまいました
  • 符の弐「アステロイドベルト」 asteroid belt:小惑星帯
  • @mongoose_honma 舞台挨拶逃してしまったから見に行くこと考えてなかったよ。
  • 0wned by DodePersie #DodeOnTTI ~ NASA estimates that the value of minerals in the asteroid belt exceeds $600,000,000,000,000,000,000.
  • This bill may open up the asteroid belt to mining
  • @Brian_Holden Destination Solar System sounds amazing. Can't wait to see the planets and their moons or asteroid belt on a screen that big.
  • @UBCRHA how does the solar system hold up it's pants? An asteroid belt #rhaallstar
  • #TISH Tighten your asteroid belt - Today In #Space #History is coming up 11AM EST/1600 UT.
  • RT @HEX_BOYFRIEND: that being said theres no reason why you cant include dwarf planets, the asteroid belt, moons, comets, and other members…
  • that being said theres no reason why you cant include dwarf planets, the asteroid belt, moons, comets, and other members of our solar system
  • RT @IntelITCenter: #DYK? The Intel 4004 was in the circuitry that guided Pioneer 10, the first craft to fly beyond the asteroid belt! http:…
  • やっぱり気分が悪くなった、自業自得だが。速攻 BEYOND THE TIME をかけた。
  • 初代や∀やUCと同じ領域には入れたくないので、レコーダではなく外付けHDDに録画した先週の金曜ロードショー。ながら見で流し見てさっさと消そう、そうしよう。
  • @undrlnd Timing Belt, Orion's Belt, Kuiper Belt (oddly enough) , Asteroid Belt, and Championship Belt are all suitable names as well! 😂
  • RT @jjmfaraway: #NewDawnCountdown 6f) Kanan doesn't stick around anywhere very long, but The Asteroid Belt is a tough cantina to leave. Sta…
  • @asteroid_belt それがまた緩くていいのかもね。
  • RT @plutosgems: . @graceHQsky Ceres is a planet in the asteroid belt.
  • @kichiemon38 その手のツッコミどころある記事って多いよね
  • カバンが人に当たっているとか、感覚でわからんのか?
  • RT @universal_factz: “The asteroid belt lies roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the Solar System.”
  • So there's a theory that the asteroid belt used to be a planet. Sounds pretty possible.
  • I put an anklet on the other day and I can't get it off. My ankle has an asteroid belt like Saturn 😎🚀
  • RT @FixedWayz: @Reuters Go to the asteroid belt, have it land on Russia then blame it on Mother Nature.
  • @Reuters Go to the asteroid belt, have it land on Russia then blame it on Mother Nature.
  • . @graceHQsky Ceres is a planet in the asteroid belt.
  • It is said to have been a planet between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt that lyes between is said to be it's remains
  • RT @caffeinepower: Buy These Flippin’ Comics!!! (8.27.14) – A Proles Paradise In The Asteroid Belt
  • Buy These Flippin’ Comics!!! (8.27.14) – A Proles Paradise In The Asteroid Belt
  • Buy These Flippin’ Comics!!! (8.27.14) – A Proles Paradise In The Asteroid Belt:
  • Sometimes, when God's feeling punk he puts on a studded Asteroid belt, when playing Neptune he puts on a Kuiper Belt.
  • #NewDawnCountdown 6f) Kanan doesn't stick around anywhere very long, but The Asteroid Belt is a tough cantina to leave. Standing up, anyway!
  • @CammienRay has been covering up a space mission out near the asteroid belt. It's pretty cool. Lots of heavy reading & dialogue
  • @CBSNews Earth fast approaching Peak Copper. Asteroid belt hoards metals! #FundSpaceExploitation
  • "@comic_natalie: レトロゲーム描く「レゲー解体劇場」特典配布
  • スマホに夢中なオッサン、傘の先端が人に当たってるよ。反面教師。あぁ長い傘は持ち歩かないんだった!
  • Asteroid Belt Trail Mix. A fun after school snack or party treat, this trail mix is based around a
  • RT @bradymoore1995: NASA estimates that the value of minerals in the asteroid belt exceeds $600,000,000,000,000,000,000. Nearly $100 billio…
  • NASA estimates that the value of minerals in the asteroid belt exceeds $600,000,000,000,000,000,000. Nearly $100 billion per person alive.
  • @_Spidey_Pete // LMFAO // Not done yet. *builds the other eight planets, their moons, asteroid belt, comets and the Sun out of duct tape*
  • Now imagine what we could do with infinite energy. All the resources we need are in the asteroid belt. Industrial revolution 2.0 on steroids
  • Prince Jammy-War In The Asteroid Belt #Maldek
  • Marvel Super Heroes War of The Gems (Asteroid Belt): via @YouTube
  • RT @PlanetaryKeri: @AlternNocturn Ceres is only a dwarf planet that happens to be in the asteroid belt...
  • @MollytheGhost @auhme82 haha, I got 9 because I forgot where the asteroid belt was. #sciencewhatisit
  • The #AsteroidBeltAlmanac is a collection of snapshots and stories exploring the intersection of science and art
  • @asmallmind @graceHQsky asteroids in the Asteroid Belt orbit the Sun. As does Halley's Comet - are they planets?
  • This guy... Asteroid belt (buckle) via @BoingBoing