

Goddess of wisdom for whom Athens was named

Trivia about athena

  • This Greek goddess of wisdom sprang fully armed from the head of her father Zeus
  • This goddess of wisdom was said to have sprung forth fully grown from the brain of her father, Zeus
  • This goddess of wisdom pleads with Zeus to release Odysseus from the embrace of the nymph Calypso
  • The genus name of the burrowing owl is this Greek goddess of wisdom
  • This goddess of wisdom assisted & inspired such Greek heroes such as Perseus, Odysseus & Heracles
  • The Palladium was a divine statue that represented this goddess, sometimes called Pallas
  • The main temple on the Acropolis was built in the 5th century B.C. to honor this goddess
  • This goddess of wisdom appears to Ulysses' son Telemachus & tells him to find out what happened to Dad
  • This goddess was called Parthenos, meaning "The Maiden"
  • The mascots for the 2004 Summer Games were a brother & sister named Phevos & this, like the Greek goddess
  • After killing the giant Pallas, this goddess flayed him & used his skin as armor
  • In some accounts Zeus' head had to be split with an ax to facilitate her birth in full armor
  • This goddess after whom a major city in Greece is named sprang from the head of Zeus
  • Soldiers couldn't see the heron this wise goddess sent for luck, but heard it squawk here & squawk there
  • A statue of this Greek goddess of war & wisdom adorns the fountain in front of Vienna's Parliament Bldg.
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reads in front of a set of wooden doors at West Point, NY.) The United States Military Academy's coat of arms depicts the helmet of this Greek goddess of wisdom & warfare
  • Talk about a difficult birth--she sprang from Zeus' head, which had been split with an axe
  • Troy could not fall while it contained the Palladium, an image of this goddess
  • She promised Paris wisdom & victory in all battles if he judged her the fairest goddess
  • This Greek wisdom goddess was born full grown from Zeus' head because he'd swallowed his pregnant first wife
  • The Parthenon was built in her honor
  • This Greek goddess of war & handicraft changed Arachne into a spider after a weaving contest between them
  • Trojan prophet Helenus told the Greeks Troy wouldn't fall unless Palladium, this wise goddess' statue, was stolen
  • This goddess was wise indeed to aid Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece
  • She served as the goddess of Greek cities & was also called Parthenos, or "The Maiden"