attila the hun


Attila (406 – 453), also known as Attila the Hun or the Scourge of Go, was leader of the Huns from 434 until his death. He was leader of the Hunnic Empire which stretched from Germany to the Ural River and from the River Danube to the Baltic Sea (see map below). During his rule he was one of the most fearsome of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires' enemies: he invaded the Balkans twice, he marched through Gaul (modern France) as far as Orleans before being defeated at the Battle of Chalons. He refrained from attacking either Constantinople or Rome.

Trivia about attila the hun

  • Referred to by Dante as the Scourge of Earth, he attacked the Roman Empire throughout the 5th century
  • 450 A.D.:"Scourge of God" demands sister of emperor of West Roman Empire as bride--now!
  • Living up to his nickname, in 440 this "Scourge of God" broke a truce with eastern Romans & blitzed Danubian towns
  • "The Scourge of God"
  • In probably his 1st time on a pumpkin, he's the historic "Scourge of God" seen here
  • Bleda co-ruled with this younger brother for 12 years until his brother had him killed in 445