

A. afarensis ("Lucy") †A. africanusA. anamensisA. bahrelghazaliA. garhi Formerly Australopithecus, now ParanthropusP. aethiopicusP. robustusP. boisei

Trivia about australopithecus

  • Africa's Sterkfontein Caves yielded Mrs. Plesianthropus of this extinct genus, whose name means "southern ape"
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew is standing near a trail of footprints.) 3.6 million years ago, in Africa, an early human left a trail of fossil footprints with a stride much shorter than ours.Mary Leakey found the prints, which were likely made by this type of human, whose name means "southern ape"
  • An extinct genus of small-brained, large-toothed bipedal hominids that lived in Africa 1 to 4 million years ago

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