

A bagel is a brea product traditionally made of yeasted wheat dough in the form of a roughly hand-sized ring which is first boiled in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. Bagels are often topped with seeds baked onto the outer crust with the most traditional being poppy or sesame seeds. Some even have salt sprinkled on the surface of the bagel.

Trivia about bagel

  • Deli delight, from Yiddish for Ring
  • The raft in the picture is called a bublik, a Russian word for this Jewish bakery item
  • Described as an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis, it's often served with lox & cream cheese
  • The water variety of this Jewish roll is simmered before it's popped in the oven
  • This breakfast goody has been described as "an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis"
  • In 1998 Lender's made a 714-pound one of these; where are 714 pieces of lox when you need 'em?
  • It's been described as "an unsweetened donut with rigor mortis", oy!
  • Dunkin Donuts sells an everything one

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