

A bagel is a brea product traditionally made of yeasted wheat dough in the form of a roughly hand-sized ring which is first boiled in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. Bagels are often topped with seeds baked onto the outer crust with the most traditional being poppy or sesame seeds. Some even have salt sprinkled on the surface of the bagel.

Trivia about bagels

  • The Baker's Local No. 338 formed between 1910 & 1915 was for an elite group of bakers of these "Jewish Donuts"
  • In 1927 Harry Lender began baking these in New Haven, Connecticut
  • Einstein Bros & Noah's are chains that specialize in these round breakfast items--do you want some shmear?
  • Product that was the specialty of the bakery Harry Lender opened in 1927 in Connecticut
  • In addition to their original line of these, Lender's also makes ones that are Big 'N Crusty