

The balalaika (Russian: балала́йка, Russian pronunciation: [bəlɐˈlajkə]) (also Balabaika, балаба́йка) - is a stringe instrument of Russian origin, with a characteristic triangular body and 3 strings (or sometimes 6, in 3 pairs).

Trivia about balalaika

  • One common type of this Russian lute usually has its three strings tuned to E, E & A above middle C
  • This triangular Russian instrument is normally played with the fingers or a leather plectrum
  • It's the instrument heard here
  • It's a Russian musical instrument with 3 strings, a triangular body & a guitar-like neck
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a stringed musical instrument with a triangular body in Russia.) In a Russian marketplace, you can get a good deal on this item that's mentioned in "Back In The U.S.S.R."
  • Comrade, enjoy this 3-stringed Russian instrument with a triangular body & a thin neck

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