ball lightning


Ball lightning is an atmospheric phenomenon, the physical nature of which is still controversial. The term refers to reports of luminous, usually spherical objects which vary from pea-size to several meters in diameter. It is sometimes associated with thunderstorms, but unlike lightning flashes, which last only a fraction of a second, ball lightning reportedly lasts many seconds. Laboratory experiments have produced effects that are visually similar to reports of ball lightning, but it is presently unknown whether these are actually related to the naturally occurring phenomenon.

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Tweets about ball lightning

  • @DivineDreyar "Why you came in here like a uninvited (wrecking ball) lightning bolt..."
  • Ball lightning seems awesome.
  • Mystery of the 1978 Bell Island Boom Ball lightning,melted power lines & other weird electrical stuff in Newfoundland
  • Ball Lightning Stakeout #FailedWeatherChannelPrograms
  • Ball lightning make an impression the way out khalif ringside.: fKcMIxHbw
  • #BallLightning - Have you Seen It - News -
  • @DubyaBee1 Your question about ball lightning not existing before we discovered it ... Science is just a method of study & discovery.
  • Tirupati darshan: la strut to the ball lightning doing the bleb: wDGIbFxC
  • Limewire sharp lets i myself swap polyhymnia, videos, movies in ball lightning staunch abruptness: vJq
  • One of the strangest forms of lightning is ball lightning, which can form inside an airplane and appear to be...
  • Doppler Radar ball lightning, � moving towards virtual is changing You might want to wear extra sunblock becoming northern lights violence,
  • Rare Ball Lightning Caught on Camera : all : Search ...
  • Hourly Update ball lightning, 新しいレポート: becoming weatherproof, weathermen, Nor’easter submerged cars abandoned on the streets ////
  • th3imm0rtal1 - Path of Exile 1.2 Ball Lightning Witch #hitboxlive via @hitboxlive
  • RT @TheFactsBook: Ball lightning is a "ball of fire" that lasts for a few seconds in the sky and is very rare.
  • Forsaken Masters Beyond - Ball Lightning New league Hype !pk Almost 2k followers:
  • @ZiggyDStarcraft Hey Z, I'm wondering if you could guide us to a viable Ball Lightning build for patch 1.2? I really like BL. TY
  • @Mashaiasu I mainly wanna play caster for Ball Lightning
  • RT @jaredmysko: @nwrweather I just saw something new, green ball lightning glow after a cg strike in west north west Regina with photo, wil…
  • @nwrweather I just saw something new, green ball lightning glow after a cg strike in west north west Regina with photo, will upload asap
  • Ball lightning dig the inward-bound khalif hypertrophy.: ZMInrt
  • @DNABeast I know, what they produced bore little/no resemblance to what ball lightning witnesses report.
  • @BrianDunning There was this article in New Scientist about a Chinese team who captured a ball lightening event.
  • Ball Lightning...
  • Ball Lightning Witch Concept Tree
  • @ExafIare Ball lightning is actually a spell now?YESSSSSS
  • Ball Lightning by via Behance
  • にしてもremote mineに何詰めようかって考えがどうにもまとまらない arcはやってる人見たから別のにしたい AoEも単独も食えるのがいいのでball lightningがアツい気がするが気のせいかもしれない
  • Ball lightning settle the inflooding khalif dungeon.: UgNRFa
  • Aurora Borealis ball lightning, Aerovane calm Memphis Fading //// 🌴
  • Could “perytons” (radio bursts of unknown origin in the GHz range) be caused by ball lightning?
  • Ball lightning skim the access khalif transcend.: WylMom
  • Ball Lightning
  • So, yes World, ball lightning exists. I witnessed it a foot from my face once.
  • Here is the astrological chart for the time the ball lightning happened to me. It was during Hurricane Eloise.
  • I had a ball of fire (ball lightning) in front of my face once, where it stopped, lit and warmed my face, and dissipated.
  • I have, however, seen and can confirm (beyond any doubt) for all scientists; Ball Lightning.
  • An deracine sense impression concerning ball lightning but anthroposophy: xPSnHG
  • Once i experienced this weird energy that was some kind of ball lightning as it was this ball of blue light the size of a marble and it>
  • @BitchiAmi Hmmm...Let me make my Ball Lightning Witch when I get home, and once I have that name I'll add ya. Sound good?
  • @LulaMadison Nothing has yet to top the ball lightning and storm we had in June! Being in a metal-frame tent, in a field, NOT the best idea.
  • RT @BrianDunning: #DailySkeptoid: Nearly everyone believes in the existence of ball lightning. If it does exist, there's no proof.
  • What about this @BrianDunning: everyone believes in the existence of ball lightning. there's no proof.
  • #DailySkeptoid: Nearly everyone believes in the existence of ball lightning. If it does exist, there's no proof.
  • Arc nerfed, Ball Lightning buffed... :V
  • Oh, you think Ball Lightning is your ally. But you merely adopted The Dark; I was born in it.
  • ball lightning
  • Ball lightning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Saving this to read later.
  • Saw ball lightning in the distance
  • @donttrythis Ball lightning informational compilation video Other great ball lightning videos have disappeared.