

Barium (pronounce /ˈbɛəriəm/) is a chemical element. It has the symbol Ba, and atomic number 56. Barium is a soft silvery metallic alkaline earth metal. It is never found in nature in its pure form due to its reactivity with air. Its oxide is historically known as baryta but it reacts with water and carbon dioxide and is not found as a mineral. The most common naturally occurring minerals are the very insoluble barium sulfate, BaSO4 (barite), and barium carbonate, BaCO3 (witherite). Benitoite is a rare gem containing barium.

Trivia about barium

  • For an upper GI you drink this; for a lower GI... well, we won't talk about that
  • In the '70s Hans Dehmelt took a color photo of Astrid, a single charged ion of this element, Ba
  • Symbolized Ba, this element is put in your body, one way or another, to be seen on X-rays
  • Ba is the symbol for this whitish metal whose compounds are used in radiology
  • To earn a B.A. in chemistry, you'd better know that Ba is the symbol for this

Tweets about barium

  • celibacy: When chemists die, they barium. I stared at this for like 30 seconds before I got it.
  • @Rezky_nurrani itu yg penetapan kadar air kristal barium klorida:p mataknya dengein pas bu wina nerangin haha
  • Ano chemical formula ng barium tertiary phosphate
  • That is ivory barium story: CYMw
  • RT @causticbob: Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium
  • Opulency revivification by use of barium products: yCjJeTrgp
  • RT @TyneRoberts: When chemists die, they barium #boomboom
  • When chemists die, they barium #boomboom
  • when chemists die, they barium. zzzz 😂😂
  • THE BARIUM PILLS 1stアルバム「THE BADDEST OF ROCK'N'ROLL ON THE EARTH」 タワレコ、ユニオン、その他CD取扱店舗にて購入できます!
  • THE BARIUM PILLS facebook ページ
  • @AntKaplan ! RT @LycraJedi "@causticbob: Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium”
  • “@causticbob: Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium” #BrainBorsted!🙌😭😭
  • 😂😂😂😂😂 why Bobby why?? "@ "@causticbob: Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium””
  • Lmao ah 😂😂😂 "@causticbob: Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium”
  • Why are doctors sometimes referred to as HeBas? Because if they can't Helium, they have to Barium
  • When chemists die, they barium.
  • @OfficialAQWWiki Blinding Blade of Destiny and the dagger, when you merge it it needs the platinum of destiny and barium of destiny.
  • Why do the call helium, curium and barium, the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!
  • #Cloudseeding am #Horizont. Auch #heute wird Barium Strontium #Titanoxyd u.v.a.m. gesprüht. stop ☛ #Nato #Genozid ...
  • as primary elements. The air we breath is also laden with the same toxins aluminum/alumina, barium, strontium, manganese, thorium,
  • ウィッカーマンが入っているとは・・・ <「信じられないほど絶望的な結末の映画」発表、後味の悪すぎる32本> #niconews
  • 本当はあの緑でいますぐ顔をぬって一人自室でエルファバごっこをしたい がまん…
  • ぶどううめー!さいこう!!
  • あーあ今から衣装やらなきゃとか思うと やる前からすっごい疲れた
  • RT @r_s_vaum: くろけいさん、きゅるらくん、PIGEONくん、ワカメちゃんと別れてぼっちなー
  • @Ad3suwa You don't want to be barium sulfated! #sixseasonsandamovie
  • RT @AntiJokeChic: I want you to take your bad chemistry jokes and barium
  • old inkjet cartridges emanate barium-based fumes #Linux
  • RT @pickupIines: Are you a compound of beryllium and barium because you're a total BaBe.
  • RT @itsdaveman3: Mm can't u just taste the aluminum barium & strontium goes well with GMO foods & fluorinated water #cheers #chemtrail http…
  • @whazzupcal Calvin, you gotta take those emotions and barium
  • P: Chemical symbol of Barium? B: BA P: For sodium? B: NA P: What will we get if one atom of BA and two atoms of NA combined? B: BANANA
  • Is high surveyed mlm barium in actuality nurture?: rBdTo
  • RT @sharminiprem: You're the sulfate to my barium. Together we're insoluble.
  • @TinnyTimm Barium,Silicon,Carbon. Bismuth,Technetium,Hydrogen.
  • Ba バリウム    Barium バリウム
  • Are you barium silicon carbon bismuth technetium and hydrogen? Because you're a Ba Si C Bi Tc H
  • 塩化バリウム barium chloride
  • BOFH excuse #338:old inkjet cartridges emanate barium-based fumes
  • RT @ChemistryJokes: Are you Barium, Silicon, Carbon, Bismuth, Technetium, and Hydrogen? Because you're a...
  • @southgateharper @symphily "Home barium enema? Gosh, I wouldn't have the faintest clue. But boy anyone can do trigonometric proofs!" #bced
  • RT @QOSU_: 名刺あとレイアとえるーの分は残さなきゃな
  • @mbenko barium + cobolt + nitrogen = BaCoN
  • Once a nurse was putting barium in me & I felt awful and another nurse asked what my favorite food was and I weakly whispered lasagna
  • @WesternHemlox @symphily Why no doctor bashing as much as teachers ? - because no one thinks they can do a home barium enema :-)
  • You're the sulfate to my barium. Together we're insoluble.
  • Getting high barium prices thanks to gram insofar as an wherewithal in respect to costume: UiCRsJR
  • @hankgreen they used to be called alligator pears, so you were close!