battle axe


A battle axe (also battle-axe or battle-ax) is an axe specifically esigned as a weapon. Battle axes were specialized versions of utility axes. Many were suitable for use in one hand, while others were larger and were wielded two-handed. Axes designed for warfare ranged in weight from just over 0.5 kg to 3 kg (1 to 6 pounds), and in length from just over 30 cm to upwards of 1.5 m (1 to 5 feet), such as the Danish axe or the sparth axe. Anything longer than 1.5 m would arguably fall more into the category of polearms. Through the course of human history, commonplace objects have been pressed into service as weapons. Axes, by virtue of their ubiquity, are no exception. Besides axes designed for combat, there were many axes that were both tools and weapons. Axes could be designed as throwing weapons as well (see the Francisca for an example). Axes were always cheaper than swords and far more available.

Trivia about battle axe

  • Robin, bring one of these, which could be used to chop down a tree & is also a term for an overbearing gal