

BattleBots is an American company that hosts robot competitions. BattleBots is also the name of the television show create from the competition footage, and a nickname for the combat robots which compete. BattleBots Inc. is headquartered in Novato, California and holds most of its competitions in San Francisco.

Trivia about battlebots

  • This Comedy Central series featured fighting robot vehicles trying to disable each other

Found pages about battlebots

Tweets about battlebots

  • So, Genesis Rodriguez used to weld for a BattleBots team and now I have a new favorite actress. via @metronewyork
  • Remember BattleBots? Congrats, we're officially in the future, where the concept of robots gladiators is old news.
  • Battlebots was the best show to ever exist
  • Just found old episodes of Battlebots on You tube. Watched a few of them. I miss that show. #VladTheImpaler
  • football really needs some of those floor hazards from the battlebots arena
  • If that BattleBots show had a non violent version they could have a bot with a humidifier battling a bot with a dehumidifier.
  • So Robots. Why hasn't there been any new battlebots type games? Of has there and I've just been oblivious to it?
  • battlebots, creo que es una de las muy pocas veces que nombraron a las maquinas enemigas de forma especifica #MaratonRobotechETC
  • the (m) exos look like reel steel battlebots and none of them have defined mouths
  • @mapletheroo Is this a battlebots matchup
  • RT @AHSBarons: Activity Update: The kickoff meeting for Battlebots will be meeting on Thursday afternoon (August 28th) Mr. Paul's room beh…
  • Hey Everyone! Go follow @WRrobotics !!!! Cool new page that has updates on the robots #robotics #robot #botsiq #battlebots #bots
  • @TimMorrisUSA @NickTimiraos @WSJ yess!! Giant battlebots!
  • Dear America, how did we let BattleBots die? It's like football, only more violent!
  • :(
  • @BAKKOOONN I think it could work if the players were replaced with battlebots.
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy was the technical expert on the television show BattleBots