

A bear is the hair that grows on a human's chin, cheeks, neck, and the area above the upper lip (the opposite is a clean-shaven face). Typically, only post-pubescent males are able to grow beards.[dubious – discuss] When differentiating between upper and lower facial hair, a beard specifically refers to the facial hair on the lower part of a man's chin (excluding the moustache, which refers to hair above the upper lip and around it). The study of beards is called pogonology.

Trivia about beard

  • Egyptian female pharaoh Hatshepsut wore one as part of her uniform of office
  • White fringe tree, named for its fringes of white flowers, is also called "old man's" this facial feature
  • The "barb" in barber is from the Latin for this
  • The playoff type of this isn't just for athletes; It's also "grown by male college students during... finals week"
  • Statues show Hatshepsut, a woman who ruled Egypt, wearing a false one of these to look like a king
  • Caravaggio painted Jesus without this usual facial feature in "Supper at Emmaus"
  • A symbol of manhood; Queen Hatshepsut wore a false one
  • Denmark's Gorm dynasty began with Gorm; next was Harald Bluetooth, then Sven Fork-this facial feature
  • Because a false one is used as a disguise, it came to mean someone who's a decoy to divert suspicion