become a player


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  • @NiallOfficial aww he's cuteeee ❀️😍 He's gonna become a player hahahaha
  • I wan to become a player
  • RT @ItsTierrr: So my best friend Law has quit he said if I get 50 retweets he will become a player again so pleasee retweet this btw he's a…
  • RT @ayyo_pocahontas: Got played , tried to become a player but I can't do people how they do me πŸ˜’
  • Got played , tried to become a player but I can't do people how they do me πŸ˜’
  • @Aviate_JLT Nooo become a player and join a team
  • Love sports and have a creative mind? You may have what it takes to become a player! See our latest roles here:
  • @MikeMakaab @ProsportInt how does 1 become a player agent? #askmike
  • @aboveawhisper1 I presume your perspective US. Can one with education and motivation not become a player rather than a sniper from sidelines
  • @RhodesDollaz a couple?? Justin when did you become a player? Do we need to have a talk?
  • ….and then my eyes were opened to how cold and manipulative y’all could be. To survive the Game of Shones, you must become a player.
  • *pats self on back for helping gel become a player* πŸ‘
  • A month so tell me now how did I become a player was it how I won you over with plenty jokes and compliments leaving you in total bliss?...
  • RT @Dare_Messiah: Gonna become a player. Anyteam wanna pick me up?(;
  • Gonna become a player. Anyteam wanna pick me up?(;
  • Pinterest is ramping up to become a player in the advertising game.