berkshire hathaway


In 1999 the Class A stock of this company headed by Warren Buffett reached a 52-week high of $81,000 a share

Trivia about berkshire hathaway

  • I wish I had a few "A" shares of this stock, BRK-A; in September 2008 they were going for $131,000 a pop
  • In 1972, the fudge loving Warren Buffett bought See's Candies for $25 million; it's yielded $1 billion in income and helps rocket the stock of this, Buffett's investment company
  • On Aug. 3, 2005 "A" shares of this Omaha-based co., No. 12, were trading at a mere $83,490 a pop
  • GEICO insurance & Fruit of the Loom are among the many subsidiaries of this Warren Buffett holding company