big bang


The Big Bang is a cosmological moel of the universe that has become well supported by several independent observations. After Edwin Hubble discovered that galactic distances were generally proportional to their redshifts in 1929, this observation was taken to indicate that the universe is expanding. If the universe is seen to be expanding today, then it must have been smaller, denser, and hotter in the past. This idea has been considered in detail all the way back to extreme densities and temperatures, and the resulting conclusions have been found to conform very closely to what is observed.

Trivia about big bang

  • Sky & Telescope magazine's contest to replace this term for a single event got 13,000 entries, but chose none
  • Wrinkles in the fabric of space discovered in 1992 support this theory of how the universe was created
  • The Hubble constant tells how fast the universe is expanding since this "noisy" event occurred
  • This cosmology theory's name came from Fred Hoyle's joke about it
  • This alliterative event happened 14 billion years ago
  • The universe's background radiation is thought to be left over from this primordial event
  • A second after this hypothesized explosion, the temperature was 10 billion degrees kelvin
  • Physicist George Smoot won a Nobel Prize for his work supporting this theory of the evolution of the universe
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from a lab at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, NY.) Conditions milliseconds after this event are replicated on a microscopic scale by creating a superhot fireball in this 3-D camera
  • Astronomer Fred Hoyle coined the name of this theory, though he meant it derisively
  • "Do I dare disturb the universe?", maybe like this cosmic explosion theory first proposed in the 1920s
  • Micro black holes are believed to have been formed by this primordial event at the beginning of the universe

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