

Binary means compose of two parts or two pieces. It contrasts with Unary, Ternary, Quaternary, and so on.

Trivia about binary

  • In 1844 Friedrich Bessel discovered that Sirius was one of these, also called a double or twin star
  • Digital computers use this number system in which the decimal number 12 becomes 1100
  • There are 10 types of people in the world, those who get this number system that uses only 1's and 0's, & those who don't
  • Ada Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron, is said by some to be the first programmer, as she used this number system
  • Many Milky Way stars pair with another around a common center of gravity & are called this, like a computer code
  • Many stars in the Milky Way are these kind of paired stars, from the Latin for "two together"