

Bioiesel refers to a non-petroleum-based diesel fuel consisting of short chain alkyl (methyl or ethyl) esters, made by transesterification of vegetable oil, which can be used (alone, or blended with conventional petrodiesel) in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles. Biodiesel is distinguished from the straight vegetable oil (SVO) (aka "waste vegetable oil", "WVO", "used vegetable oil", "UVO", "unwashed biodiesel", "pure plant oil", "PPO") used (alone, or blended) as fuels in some converted diesel vehicles. "Biodiesel" is standardized as mono-alkyl ester and other kinds of diesel-grade fuels of biological origin are not included.

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Tweets about biodeisel

  • @Bone_Jumper Biodeisel wheelchairs.
  • Anyone know why washing methyl ester (biodeisel) with water removes any remaining methanol and soap? #biotechcamp @Choosy_Female @digitalbio
  • RT @highqoo: @neiallswheel @brianmoore666 @JohnKennedyJnr @mrjoelclark if biodeisel is from waste product, ok, otherwise it takes away food…
  • @neiallswheel @brianmoore666 @JohnKennedyJnr @mrjoelclark if biodeisel is from waste product, ok, otherwise it takes away food productivity.
  • @guardianeco I wonder how self sufficient we could be if Rapeseed for biodeisel was replaced by food crops?
  • Fuel Stability Problems Challenge FAME Biodiesel : #energy #biodeisel #renewables