black jokes


Tweets about black jokes

  • RT @DustinRossSaid: Chris Rock is hilarious, and he reminded us of that last night. He cracked Black jokes like...
  • RT @DustinRossSaid: Chris Rock is hilarious, and he reminded us of that last night. He cracked Black jokes like we was at a card party...
  • Chris Rock is hilarious, and he reminded us of that last night. He cracked Black jokes like we was at a card party all night. #BETAwards
  • 【左利きの苦悩】 ・改札が逆 ・定規を使って縦に引けない ・ハサミ使いにくい ・スープバーですくいにくい ・カウンター席で嫌われる ・天才じゃない ・缶切り使えない ・野球のポジションが限られる ・きゅうすが逆 ・シャッターが逆 ・これらの苦労は右利きに分かってもらえない
  • ヤクザ映画を英語字幕有りで見ててヤクザが「お゛ぃ゛コ゛ラ゛ァ゛!!」って言いながらドアを蹴破るシーンで字幕に出た英訳が「Excuse me?」
  • @blessulli and making black jokes isn't??? plz
  • So Kirsty thinks it's ok to make black jokes now, hope she makes it to the wrong person who isn't as good with banter as I am imo tbh
  • 大学の講義に出ないことは何万円をどぶに捨ててるのと一緒だとか言っちゃう教員,自分の授業がその何万円かに値しない程度のものだと学生に判断されている現実をもっとちゃんと受けとめるほうがいい 
  • Chris Rock black jokes is getting old.
  • @shelly_2lanes like black jokes get played out after a while
  • Hear black jokes to much at work
  • 京都のカードショップでの母子の会話。 子「ねーねー!遊戯王カード買ってー!」 母「死にたいの!?遊びじゃないのよ!アニメ見たでしょ!」 _人人人人人人人人人人人_ > 遊 び じ ゃ な い<  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
  • 俺「お前曲がる瞬間にウィンカー出すなよ。遅ぇよ。」 後輩「えぇー、だってこっちの動きを悟られたくないじゃないっすか〜」 _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ > 動き悟られたくないじゃないっすか <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
  • it's BET .. but Chris Rock got way too many black jokes 👐 my opinion tho .
  • Chris running out with the white & black jokes
  • Chris Rock came up in a time when white vs black jokes were all you needed. He has refused to evolve since #BETAwards
  • Chris rock's black jokes are starting to get old #BETAwards #helloblack
  • Bro whats up with all these White and Black jokes...I'm not feeling it
  • Chris Rock black jokes 😤😑
  • Chris rock gotta lot of black jokes
  • The black jokes are getting old..
  • Chris Rock bothers me with these overly excessive black jokes.
  • These white / black jokes so weak Chris
  • I'm so over white vs black jokes yo
  • Bruh. @chrisrock your white and black jokes aren't funny. Cut it out
  • Whats w/ all the Black jokes?
  • This Nigga And These Black Jokes <<<
  • Dude black jokes are getting old !!!
  • Ok the we black jokes are getting old
  • Wow these black jokes annoying 😐
  • Can he stop with the 'and were black' jokes 😒
  • I'm sure your white friends make black jokes when you not around and you don't know it!.
  • Ok Chris Rock the black jokes getting old
  • "@I_DreamOfJeanny: His dependence on black jokes." That's how old school comedians are
  • I tired if all these "black" jokes
  • Why does Chris rock keep making black jokes
  • All these black jokes not funny im sitting here like BRUHHH😴
  • Ok with the black jokes , that got old real quick . Think of something funnier !
  • Chris Rock gotta chill with the black jokes once Iggy get up there !
  • All these black jokes unnecessary
  • Chris Rock make more black jokes than a racist white man
  • Chris and these black jokes lmfao .
  • I'm tired of his black jokes.. Like honestly get over it!
  • I'm tried of Chris Rock making all these black jokes😐
  • He gotta stop the black jokes
  • Chris only got black Jokes ..... Weaaaak
  • Chris Rock's "black" jokes are 💀 !
  • His black jokes making me feel White !
  • Him and these black jokes gotta go 😒👋