

Blackmail is the crime of threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a emand made upon the victim is met. This information is usually of an embarrassing or socially damaging nature. As the information is substantially true, the act of revealing the information may not be criminal in its own right nor amount to a civil law defamation; the crime is making demands to withhold it.

Trivia about blackmail

  • It's forcing people to pay money by threatening to reveal their embarrassing secrets
  • This 1929 Hitchcock movie, his & England's 1st talkie, was shot originally as a silent
  • It's extortion by threat--like you'll send the photos to the newspaper if you don't receive $2 million
  • Originally, it was a tribute paid by English & Scottish farmers to freebooters for protection from harassment
  • It's the game show being played"This is for 15 pounds, and it's to stop us revealing the name of your lover in Bolton."

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