blonde jokes


Blone jokes are a class of jokes based on a stereotype of dumb blonde women.

Tweets about blonde jokes

  • A Brunette a red head and a blonde were in ...
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Why did the blonde have a hard time making Kool-Aid? A: She couldn't get all the water in...
  • Surprisingly only like 2 "having more fun because im blonde" jokes have been made to my face bout me
  • JOKE: Why are all dumb blonde jokes one-liners? So men can remember them.
  • RT @DiarysofaBlonde: Yes I am Blonde NO I don’t need to hear your stupid Blonde jokes. #blondeproblems
  • I still have people throwing blonde jokes at me when I chopped my bleached hair 4 months ago
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Why are blondes like pianos? A: Because when they're not upright, they're grand.
  • RT @RobertBeguin: Instead of making blonde jokes, let's make Gorbey jokes
  • Instead of making blonde jokes, let's make Gorbey jokes
  • RT @HollyHeals: I don't get offended by blonde jokes, I just don't understand them.
  • RT @causticbob: How many blonde jokes are there? One, the rest are all true stories.
  • blonde jokes are annoying IM NOT STUPID
  • Yes I am Blonde NO I don’t need to hear your stupid Blonde jokes. #blondeproblems
  • How many blonde jokes are there? One, the rest are all true stories.
  • Those blonde jokes :'''D
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Why did the blonde get thrown out of the M and M factory? A: She kept throwing out the W'...
  • I tolerate way too many blonde jokes in this family
  • I'm so sick of all these blonde jokes
  • #BlondeJokes What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA? "Look! they spelled MACY...
  • #BlondeJokes She was so blonde... That tripped over a cordless phone
  • @StephRoseDoan 1. That's racist 2. I take it your not fond of blonde jokes. 3. You're wrong (see photo)
  • #BlondeJokes Q: What do you say to a blonde that won't give in? A: "Have another beer."
  • Emma is telling blonde jokes...
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Why do blondes get confused in the ladies room? A: They have to pull their own pants down...
  • people think i actually get offended by blonde jokes lolol
  • #BlondeJokes Did you hear about the blonde who got a pair of water skis? She's still looking for a lake w...
  • dad always making blonde jokes 😴
  • Blonde jokes are not cool. 🙆🔫
  • RT @what_3v3r: Spending our morning explaining dumb blonde jokes...
  • #BlondeJokes Q: How many blonde's does it take to change a light bulb? A: Three. One to find the bulb, on...
  • I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.Dolly Parton
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Why can't you tell blondes knock knock jokes? A: Cos keep walking off to answer the door.
  • Little transformation Saturday? No more blonde jokes for this girl.
  • so Daniel wants to crack blonde jokes today, does he¿ I'll win this one too, bud. 👸
  • Spending our morning explaining dumb blonde jokes...
  • #BlondeJokes Q: Which 3rd grader has the best body, the blonde, brunette or redhead? A: The blonde - she ...
  • RT @Easy_Branches: Top 10 Funniest via @Easy_Branches #easybranches #SEO #marketing #influence #social #leadership #…
  • Top 10 Funniest via @Easy_Branches #easybranches #SEO #marketing #influence #social #leadership #brand #branding