blood types


A bloo type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system, and some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens, that stem from one allele (or very closely linked genes), collectively form a blood group system.

Trivia about blood types

  • Karl Landsteiner discovered there were 4 of these: A, B, O & AB
  • Tried since the 17th C., blood transfusions were mostly unsuccessful until these were discovered

Tweets about blood types

  • Blood types | The Japan Times
  • Ah, so blood type AB is universal acceptor. Can accept all blood types. ^^
  • "Me and Heechul are both AB blood types and we have a little club called psycho" LOL ,Super Junior-Yesung
  • My mom is telling us all how to eat for our blood types
  • Their group name comes from their members’ blood types #B1A4theory
  • Blood types | The Japan Times لماذا يسأل اليابانيون عن فيصلة الدم؟ لأن بعضهم يؤمن بأن فصيلة دمك تحدد شخصيتك
  • 0wned by DodePersie #DodeOnTTI ~ Mosquitoes prefer certain blood types, and people with the "O" blood type are more likely to get bitten.
  • RT @FuquayC: @RealProfGriff all these celebrities adopting black kids.. I'd love to see if they had matching blood types.
  • RT @IdeaUoN: People with blood type AB may be more likely to develop memory loss in later years than people with other blood types
  • 「なぜ血液型という分類が存在するの?」や「血液型ってそもそも何?」といった謎に迫る血液型に関するアレコレ
  • @RealProfGriff all these celebrities adopting black kids.. I'd love to see if they had matching blood types.
  • RT @KariandKuroko: Difference between blood types
  • How are the freebsd blood types conjunction scopes: jekt
  • [Ailee] Her blood types is O
  • "@KariandKuroko: Difference between blood types
  • for people who hate 5h y'all stay caught up with their sales singles lyrics interviews vocals live performances family members blood types
  • Kelsies learning about blood types right now...
  • TJ Lane: GURPS Blood Types (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System): Vampires. Immortal and nearly invulnerable
  • I am sometimes amazed by the things I research when writing. Cats are easier going on blood types than horses. Who knew?
  • #WhenIWasBagongBana I never thought that B1A4 was based on their blood types
  • The most needed blood types are O+, O-, AB- and B-. These blood types are absolutely critical. #BloodDonation 2mrw @NoidaTOK 8:30am onwards.
  • RT @ldh_lvoe: "Me and Heechul are both AB blood types and we have a little club called psycho" LOL ,Super Junior-Yesung
  • RT @DiseaseSymptom: People with AB blood are almost twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment as people with other blood types - http…
  • Blood mystery solved: Two new blood types identified
  • RT @Doaa_Morgan: I carry different blood types in my veins, and they used to belong to the people who were my drug and became toxic enough …
  • Blood Types
  • Facts About Blood Types. | TeluuDailies:
  • someone made a speech about Blood Types. I'm an O btw
  • Talking genetics and blood types with my father. Why am I such a weirdo?
  • ".... people with AB blood were almost twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment as individuals with other blood types." No wonder.
  • @deziisdopex3 red up on it, it's something to do with different blood types apparently
  • "People with AB blood were almost twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment as individuals with other blood types." 😱😱😱😱
  • Random question: do pets have the same blood types as humans?
  • BBC - Future - Why do we have blood types?
  • Why Do We Have Blood Types, Anyway? via @instapaper
  • "people with AB blood were almost twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment as individuals with other blood types." EHH
  • RT @FlenLFoulene: "All Blood types needed for possible donations. Please DM me for more details" - A Vampire
  • "All Blood types needed for possible donations. Please DM me for more details" - A Vampire
  • BBC News - Japan and blood types: Does it determine personality?
  • RT @DiscoverMag: Dogs have more than a dozen blood types:
  • RT @Xenocratos: Yes. Type "O" is preferred by mosquitoes. Type "A" is least preferred. RT @utenjm: @tonirags that's a thing for O blood t…
  • Yes. Type "O" is preferred by mosquitoes. Type "A" is least preferred. RT @utenjm: @tonirags that's a thing for O blood types?
  • @Xenocratos @tonirags that's a thing for O blood types?
  • It's been suggested we wear dog tags with our blood types on them because we're constantly getting hurt and admiring each other's necklaces
  • From @MillerKeystone: While all blood types are needed, our community blood supply is in urgent need of donors with the B-NEGATIVE
  • "Type AB blood is rare – it’s found in less than five percent of the population. And it is the newest of the blood types."