

The Bolsheviks, originallyBolshevists (Russian: Большевик, Большевист (singular) Russian pronunciation: [bəlʲʂɨˈvʲik], erived from bolshe, "more") were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which split apart from the Menshevik faction at the Second Party Congress in 1903 and ultimately became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks seized power in Russia during the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and founded the Soviet Union.

Trivia about bolshevism

  • Term given to the Communist doctrine formulated by Lenin; it's from the Russian for "majority"

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Tweets about bolshevism

  • RT @GKCDaily: And in that sense we must have a revolution to avoid Bolshevism. Perhaps that is the real meaning of the mystery of Mussolini.
  • And in that sense we must have a revolution to avoid Bolshevism. Perhaps that is the real meaning of the mystery of Mussolini.
  • What I wish to insist on is that the present development of industrial civilization might almost reach Bolshevism without a revolution.
  • @eddwilson @BBCPropaganda @terryprett Quite. This problem existed on a large scale after 1917, when refugees from Bolshevism were granted..
  • by decrees, there would long ago have been no problems left in Russia. In its fanatical zeal for government, Bolshevism has violently
  • @JasFazolka @MReco12 in 1938 Hitler said the purpose of national socialism is to defeat Bolshevism.
  • RT @12pleyades: What the Jews Did Part 1 Bolshevism: vía @YouTube
  • Who Taught American Torture? #communism #bolshevism #jews #neocons #democons #trotsky #ehrenberg #yagoda #dershowitz
  • "Today it is estimated...John Schiff sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia." - N.Y American Journal, Feb 1949
  • RT @catsinbelfry: "@RichardLionhea: @msfreakinrosie on the other hand all forms of social ism - Marxism, Nazism and Bolshevism - are fascis…
  • "@RichardLionhea: @msfreakinrosie on the other hand all forms of social ism - Marxism, Nazism and Bolshevism - are fascistic" oh #ukip sighs
  • @msfreakinrosie @star_pumpkin @catsinbelfry on the other hand all forms of social ism - Marxism, Nazism and Bolshevism - are fascistic
  • Revolutions of Bolshevism German Fascism - Revolutions of Bolshevism German FascismThe Russian Revolution...
  • Revolutions of Bolshevism German Fascism
  • History of Jewish Bolshevism
  • Bolshevism
  • 1/4"Zionism versus Bolshevism" W.Churchill (Sunday Herald, 1920) Articulo fundamental para entender el Sionismo.