bound and determined


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  • Made yet another SDCC list. Bound and determined not to forget anything this year.
  • Severance pay bound and determined joomla developers insomuch as striking organism natural development: GPQvxQOw
  • This boy is bound and determined that I won't get a wink of sleep tonight
  • RT @KCarpenter_18: Bound and determined to find somebody loyal.
  • I'm bound and determined to get @_BAiLEYPAiGE to like a Kevin Smith movie! Gotta get her to actually watch a movie first: )
  • Bound and determined to have as much fun the rest of this summer as I did this past weekend!!!
  • Bound and determined to find somebody loyal.
  • I've been reading up on those mofolokos. To my Native ppl, they are a wicked corporate machine bound and determined to keep making money
  • Bound and determined to make this happen. It's a once In a lifetime experience.
  • CraigheadPro I'm Bound and Determined! |
  • Gonna make my own body wrap tomorrow... Bound and determined to lose weight
  • @privlidge @laprogessive They're bound and determined to further destabilize an already unstable area - for profit and ego.
  • RT @Seminoles1991: @USABillOfRights Looks like the feds are bound and determined to start a civil war or even cause a revolutionary war. Wh…
  • Stanley is glad I'm home and is bound and determined that the suitcase is going nowhere any time soon.