box elder bugs


Tweets about box elder bugs

  • Box elder bugs are taking over rip rip rip
  • RT @nikkihemsley17: Can't stand this time of year because the stupid box elder bugs raid my house😑
  • Can't stand this time of year because the stupid box elder bugs raid my house😑
  • @DevonDolanKSL @AndrewAdamsKSL I would take 100,000 box elder bugs over 20 mosquitoes any day
  • RT @GoodworthKelsey: These box elder bugs are driving me up a wall
  • So many Box Elder bugs!!!!
  • RT @shelbschmid26: Yet to figure out why God created Box Elder bugs, but so help me, if one more lands on my desk, the whole library will h…
  • Yet to figure out why God created Box Elder bugs, but so help me, if one more lands on my desk, the whole library will hear it. #aggiestrife
  • RT @SmileyCharlie: I hate box elder bugs!
  • Box Elder bugs are taking over Utah.
  • These box elder bugs have me strategically planning how I get in and out of the building smh
  • @llexihorton haha they are box elder bugs!! Got about a million of em at my house too.
  • Could be worse. Could be Legislators. #utleg RT @KPete801: On an unrelated note, box elder bugs have invaded the Capitol building & its...
  • On an unrelated note, box elder bugs have invaded the Capitol building & its disgusting. #utpol #creepycrawly #yuck
  • Too many box elder bugs! #ahhh #everywhere #invasion
  • About 4 box elder bugs have landed on me today. Each time I have flared my arms and ran.
  • Box elder bugs are ALL OVER my house. And my research says that once they pick a place, they'll attract more and stay there all winter. 😱
  • The world would be a better place without box elder bugs🙅
  • sitting by this window in the library and there's literally 700 thousand million box elder bugs swarming inside & outside.
  • I freaking hate box elder bugs.
  • There's box elder bugs EVERYWHERE!! Someone get rid of them! 🐞🐌🐜
  • God DAMN I hate Box Elder bugs
  • It’s that special time of year when the box elder bugs pretend that they’re building ornaments by covering all the buildings in sight.
  • Which fall pest do you detest the most? Stink bugs? Mice? Box elder bugs?
  • These box elder bugs are driving me up a wall
  • Hello box elder bugs, meet hairspray & lighter
  • @heykayli @shaycarl dawn dish soap and water in a sprayer will take care of the box elder bugs.
  • @Orthver Ever seen Box Elder bugs? Weirdy things, would be fascinating if they weren't so...buggy.
  • Remember when Box-Elder bugs stayed in Box-Elder? Ya me neither😒
  • So many Box Elder bugs on the windows.
  • RT @shelBcrazy4u: WHY are box elder bugs a thing?
  • WHY are box elder bugs a thing?
  • Ah yes it's "box elder bugs coating the back of your house" season
  • Box elder bugs are the devil
  • Box elder bugs are the reason I hate life.
  • Okay what's with the abundance of box elder bugs😷
  • @ChristieDutton I haven't seen any stink bugs but the past two years I've had Box Elder Bugs and they're horrid
  • Box Elder bugs-please get out of my life! #boxelderbugs #allovermyhouse #iwillvacuumyouup #sojustgoaway
  • RT @MichelleClyde: Ah, fall in the mountains. Your house being infested by box elder bugs is just 😍
  • Ah, fall in the mountains. Your house being infested by box elder bugs is just 😍
  • @lucky13wxman box elder bugs
  • at least 30 box elder bugs are crawling on my window either in my room or outside and i'm not happy
  • I absolutely love fall. But with fall comes box elder bugs and I absolutely hate them.
  • Discovered: Box Elder bugs. Two of them while raking leaves. One stink bug. Multiple spiders. Multiple Asian Lady beetles
  • @AskTheOrkinMan Whats the best way to get rid of box elder bugs? I have a bunch of them in my office.
  • Boxelder bugs aren't thought of as a structural #pest. Find out why our techs are getting lots of calls about them:
  • @MaeSanderson: What are box elder bugs?
  • RT @jh_brown: "These box elder bugs are playing choo choo train!"- little girl next door😂😂
  • @RenaKARE11 what was that green ball you and Belinda had this morning on the show that would get rid of spiders and box elder bugs?