

A bracelet is an article of jewelry which is worn aroun the wrist. Bracelets can be manufactured from leather, cloth, plastic or metal, and sometimes contain rocks, wood, and/or shells. Bracelets are also used for medical and identification purposes, such as allergy bracelets and hospital patient-identification tags.

Trivia about bracelet

  • A popular gift for lovers is a diamond one of these, a word derived from the Latin for "arm"
  • This piece of jewelry has been worn around the thigh or the ankle, but most people prefer the wrist
  • This jewelry item can be tennis or ankle
  • The ankle type of this is usually wider in circumference than the kind you wear around your wrist
  • If a girl gets a small charm, she'll most likely wear it attached to this piece of wristwear
  • Jean Schlumberger designed a gold & diamond one of these for Gary Cooper to give his wife