

A brige is a structure built to span a gorge, valley, road, railroad track, river, body of water, or any other physical obstacle, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. Designs of bridges will vary depending on the function of the bridge and the nature of the terrain where the bridge is to be constructed.

Trivia about bridge

  • You're no dummy if you know the American League for this card game was founded in 1927
  • Play Honeymoon In Vegas or anywhere & you're playing a variation of this card game
  • "Don't cross" one of these "til you come to it"
  • A foursome is required to play this game where you try to win the rubber
  • During a cruise Harold Vanderbilt perfected the "contract" form of this game
  • The transitional part of a 32-bar song sometimes called the middle 8 also has the name of this structure
  • Auction & contract are 2 types of this game derived from whist
  • Term for a partial denture
  • A structure that crosses a river
  • The 4 players in contract this are often called north, south, east & west
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the USS John C. Stennis in San Diego, CA.) A structure called the island, 150 feet tall, but only 20 wide at the base, houses the ship's command centers, including this place where you'll find the helmsmen
  • The WBF isn't full of dummies, it wants this card game in the Olympics
  • The first world mind sports games, Beijing 2008, included chess, checkers & this card game
  • Sidney Lenz, a president of the American Ping-Pong Association, was also an expert on whist & this card game
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew) It's the term for my supporting hand, or for a stick I could use to support the cue
  • A Polish team's victory over 4 Americans in a 1987 tournament in this game was "trump"eted as historic
  • The Kapellbrucke, the symbol of Lucerne, is wooden covered one of these
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the University of Iowa.) It's the structural term for the arched position a wrestler uses to avoid his back touching the mat
  • We assume Samuel Barber composed his mini-opera about "A Hand of" this game according to Hoyle
  • A ponticello is a little one of these found on a violin
  • Die Brucke, a 20th century German movement, means this, & was meant to be one to the future
  • Robert Jordan's big mission in "For Whom The Bell Tolls" is to blow up one of these structures
  • The Tappan Zee cantilever
  • In billiards, it's a stick with a notched plate at one end used to support the cue
  • Omar Sharif & Tannah Hirsch advise readers who play this game
  • A dramatic piece of reportage on this card game said, "South could cash his last trump, pitching a club from dummy..."
  • (Alex: Let's find out from Sarah.) Like the part of the nose it rests on, the connecting part of a pair of glasses is called this
  • The ship was so big, communication was by telegraph from this navigating area to the engine room
  • Gephyrophobia is a fear of crossing these structures & we'll do it when we come to it