bronchial asthma


Asthma is a chronic conition involving the respiratory system in which the airways occasionally constrict, become inflamed, and are lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. These episodes may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant such as an allergen, environmental tobacco smoke, cold or warm air, perfume, pet dander, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators. Between episodes, most patients feel well but can have mild symptoms and they may remain short of breath after exercise for longer periods of time than the unaffected individual. The symptoms of asthma, which can range from mild to life threatening, can usually be controlled with a combination of drugs and environmental changes.

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  • Exceptional Nike Pas Cher Tips To Make Coping With Bronchial asthma Far Better
  • Done with the bronchial asthma Presentation.... #Bronchialasthma
  • Acute bronchial asthma onset while on vacation? Medication, inhaler? God's still in control!
  • @ISo_IDReeS @AhmedSammoura قدامى يجى سنتين كدة لما اتعالج من الحساسية دى ولا كأنها bronchial Asthma يا جدع xDD
  • ''C24/100 DISEASES USES OF C24/7: 1.) Bronchial Asthma 2.) Acute&Chronic Diarrhea 3.) Cancer&Tumor Formation...
  • BA 気管支喘息 Bronchial Asthma ブロンチャイル アズマ
  • i also have bronchial asthma bc of second-hand smoke.
  • Bronchial asthma | أكاديمية الدارين | محاضرة 7 | د.هدي سالم لمتابعة باقى محاضرات الكورس يرجى الضغط الرابط ادناه...
  • boom. bronchial asthma.
  • Yoga effecvt in treatmnt of bronchial asthma:CLStdy sggsts
  • …suffering from COPD and endogenous bronchial asthma.
  • Bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: research activity in Arab countries.
  • Terfex in Syrup/Tablet Cures Bronchitis,Bronchial Asthma,Respiratory Tract Infection,Pulmonary