

A torero (killer of bulls") is the main performer in bullfighting events in Spain an other Spanish-speaking countries. He or she is the person who performs with and kills the bull. The role is also called toreador in English (and in Bizet's opera Carmen), but this term (older than torero) is actually never used in Spain or in Latin America. The term torero encompases bullfighters who fight the bull in the ring (picadores and rejoneadores).

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Tweets about bullfighters

  • RT @EHemingwaysWay: “Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.”
  • “Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.”
  • @oscarfianza Nah, just kidding because they have Puerto Ricans pretending to be Mexicans (the bullfighters).
  • Photos: Bullfighters, newlyweds, and lifelike dolls
  • The California Academy of Tauromaquia is a school for bullfighters.
  • @southpointlv booked for @LasVegasNFR and @ProRodeoOnline convention Looking forward to showcasing some #rodeo #bullfighters #whoopwhoop
  • Check out LAUREL & HARDY - BULLFIGHTERS - 8X10 COLOR PHOTO via @eBay
  • Hanging out behind shoot number 6. Bullfighters were great. #lawtonrodeo2014; #justinsportsmedicine
  • RT @GrammarNaziDorn: @MerelyVertigo In Spain we tell the time by the amount of bullfighters waiting outside the bullring going: "Eeeh. Maña…
  • @MerelyVertigo In Spain we tell the time by the amount of bullfighters waiting outside the bullring going: "Eeeh. Mañana, mañana we fight."
  • @notthatbou Buah, a ver si responde que yo le tuitearía en inglés "Come to the land of paellas, bullfighters and café con leche"
  • Virgin de La Macarena (patron saint of bullfighters and flamenco) / #фламенко
  • Bull riders aren't cool. Bullfighters aren't tough. They're all pu**ies!
  • RT @allopena: UNED colabora con el lobby taurino ¿Lo vas a permitir? https://t.co/uf5H1pWA6o via @Change bullfighters HAVE no ethics!
  • UNED colabora con el lobby taurino ¿Lo vas a permitir? https://t.co/uf5H1pWA6o via @Change bullfighters HAVE no ethics!
  • Women bullfighters:
  • RT @hemingwwway: Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.
  • Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.
  • The Bullfighters Have Their Say (Blog) #colombia
  • Good luck to all of the bullfighters that are doing protection matches at the Equiblues Western Festival (France)...
  • Bullfighters face charges
  • Bullfighters doing what they are paid to do. From the 2014 Gerry Rodeo.
  • #CleanJokes Q: What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand? A: Quatro Sinko
  • RT @heminnngway: Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.
  • RT @jooselucioo: @mslayel @RealSummerWWE with their outfits bullfighters. last night :3
  • RT @Jthames101193: .......is this a professional wrestling show or a damn circus show?? u got bullfighters, a short person, fandango, and t…
  • .......is this a professional wrestling show or a damn circus show?? u got bullfighters, a short person, fandango, and the green goblin.
  • wait, so are los matadores, the puerto rican guys dressed up strange Spanish stereoetype bullfighters, supposed to be kayfabe mexican
  • And all the way up except bullfighters. #cultural
  • RT @MooseAllain: Bullfighters face charges.
  • #barrelrace #bullfighters Thrive helps shorten injury downtime!
  • Bullfighters face charges.
  • @mstoysav I enjoyed watching the bull taking revenge on its cowardly tormentors. Bullfighters are unmanly,vain, unChristian morons.
  • RT @toyota_bull: 公式ブログ「Road to X:8月3日 練習日記 by QB#1 山下」更新しました 皆さんこんにちは! 今年からブルファイターズに入部したQB#1 山下です。 秋に向けてのチームが再始動してから2回目の全体練習。...
  • bullfighters and flamenco dancers #ronda By celialia
  • Paraphrasing TV presenter from #Hableconella 'there aren't enough women bullfighters' - my sentiment exactly :) #film #Almodovar
  • @lawyers4animals @amyrosekathryn @ecol0gy That sort of thing really sickens me but other than sniping a few bullfighters, with a rifle…
  • 公式ブログ「Road to X:8月3日 練習日記 by QB#1 山下」更新しました 皆さんこんにちは! 今年からブルファイターズに入部したQB#1 山下です。 秋に向けてのチームが再始動してから2回目の全体練習。...
  • I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Child Bullfighters in Mexico: Profiles by VICE
  • Why did old country singers dress like bullfighters kind of
  • What do you call two bullfighters standing in quicksand? Quatro Sinko
  • RT @Laurengamble_: "Adventure is for women who bullfighters fall in love with"
  • "Adventure is for women who bullfighters fall in love with"
  • RT @Deserve2Smile: Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters.” ― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
  • RT @dravazed: Teenage Bullfighters | VICE United States via @VICE #AnimalRights
  • Teenage Bullfighters | VICE United States via @VICE #AnimalRights
  • @robmanuel Slightly related: Spanish telly has an X Factor style show for wannabe bullfighters #Tulisa
  • "Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bullfighters."
  • WRECK: Bobby Roberts run over by Snuggly: Look @ those bullfighters work! Look @ the safety men on horseback! WOW!