burger king commercials


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Tweets about burger king commercials

  • These $5 burger king commercials are horrible
  • @meriimaid they used your hands for those Burger King commercials didn't they?
  • @ThtAwkMahomie Burger King commercials?
  • @AdoreFoolish4 I did the same thing spanish and my teacher was like "Oh are you talking about that guy from the Burger King commercials?"
  • RT @theburgernerd: Funny Star Trek Burger King Commercials featuring "Kingons" -- #lol #videos #vids #humor
  • Funny Star Trek Burger King Commercials featuring "Kingons" -- #lol #videos #vids #humor
  • Howard Eskin needs to go back to silent acting in Burger King commercials.
  • Burger King commercials make me wanna cry. I need a new job.
  • A look back at some funny Burger King commercials from 1960s to present day -- -- #videos #clips #fun
  • After seeing those Burger King commercials I'm making a bk run lmao
  • Tony Romo should just do Burger King commercials like all bad athletes.
  • RT @Rheidan: Burger King commercials about changing the 5 dollar bill are pretty ironic considering the company moved to Canada to avoid pa…
  • Burger King commercials about changing the 5 dollar bill are pretty ironic considering the company moved to Canada to avoid paying taxes.
  • After a few days of tough adjustments and anxiety, I really appreciate being able to stream the Panthers game & Burger King commercials.
  • RT @LongLiveDvmples: Why Burger King commercials still coming on? They moving to Canada 🍁
  • Why Burger King commercials still coming on? They moving to Canada 🍁
  • @ArianFoster's can't hold the ball because he's got hands like that dude off the Burger King commercials, thankyou football gods #tinyhands