

A butte (IPA: /bju:t/) is an isolate hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small flat top, smaller than mesas and plateaus. Buttes are prevalent in the western United States. The word "butte" comes from a French word meaning "small hill".

Trivia about butte

  • This Montana city is called "a mile high & a mile deep" for its elevation & its mine shafts
  • From French for "hillock", it resembles a mesa, but is smaller; it's also the name of a Montana city
  • A small Montana city is named for one of these small, steep flat-topped hills
  • The Copper King Mansion stands in this Montana city where copper mining is still important
  • This Montana city with a "hilly" name is known as "the city that's a mile high & a mile deep"
  • From a French word meaning mound, it's a steep-sided, flat-topped hill like the one seen here in Wyoming