

A buttress is an architectural structure built against (a counterfort) or projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the wall. Buttresses are fairly common on more ancient builings, especially in Germany, as a means of providing support to act against the lateral (sideways) forces arising out of the roof structures that lack adequate bracing.

Trivia about buttress

  • A projecting support, whether or not it's "flying"
  • From the French for "to push", it's the type of building support seen here

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Tweets about buttress

  • RT @aaaalhashemi: يجوز قراءة القرآن في الأجهزة اللوحية كالجوال وغيرها من الوسائل الالكترونية ..!!
  • Buttress styles unto roll out: yKSE
  • RT @aaaalhashemi: عمر اﻻنسان 100عام يساوى عندالله ثانيه ونصف ..!!
  • RT @aaaalhashemi: فيديو: لقاء مع (الطفل السوري اللاجئ “خالد”) ووالدته ومع والد الطفل اللبناني “عباس” الذي ضربه ..!!
  • #10: Banjo TA283 Polypropylene Tank Fitting, 2" Buttress x 2" Male NPT Threads with Gasket: Banjo TA283 Polypr...
  • Buttress roots... a common sight in the rainforest in the Tropical North Queensland region
  • Buttress profits each and every common year-vantage point conceivability seam: rbc
  • RT @aaaalhashemi: سوء الظن يمنعك من رؤية الأشياء الجميلة  |
  • RT @dhoome2008sa: لآتحسب , أن اللىَ تحبٰه لآ جرحَته . مَ يضيِق # #دحَـومٰـي'..*♩
  • RT @dhoome2008sa: بشَتقلك .. لآبَقدر شوٰفك ولآبقِدر آحِكيلَكٰ # #دحَـومٰـي'..*♩
  • RT @dhoome2008sa: اشبعني حديث عنك ، فَ أنا إلى الآن لم استفيق منك يا مُهلكني #
  • New discussion: Holding a whistle (Buttress finger)
  • RT @dhoome2008sa: مؤلُم آن تشُعٍرٍ / بآلُغرٍبہ بسبب غيَآب ؛من تحٍب~#
  • Buttress the trust italic toward la apodictic mounting: cafAI
  • RT @thisgreyspirit: "For, though I've no idea / What this accoutred frowsty barn is worth, / It pleases me to stand in silence here" http:/…
  • Buttress #architecture #saddlebackroof #engineering #1960s #modernist #love #instagood
  • RT @aaaalhashemi: قنص جندي صهيوني من قبل كتائب القسام اثناء محاولة دخول غزة برياً
  • "For, though I've no idea / What this accoutred frowsty barn is worth, / It pleases me to stand in silence here"
  • RT @aaaalhashemi: شاهد ماذا حصل في مباراه كره سله بين برشلونه وفريق اسرائيلي.. https://t.co/nHuJq6JlJS
  • Lovely Latex from & Lacey Lingerie @ Buttress & Snatch via @ablazingmodesty