cafeteria plan


A cafeteria plan is a type of employee benefit plan offere in the United States pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Its name comes from the earliest such plans that allowed employees to choose between different types of benefits, similar to a cafeteria.

Trivia about cafeteria plan

  • Matt's employer lets him choose among various benefits; it's this type of plan, like his favorite eating spot

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Tweets about cafeteria plan

  • No matter the religion, followers will practice it on the cafeteria plan: A little bit of this, a whole lot of this, and oh, none of that!
  • No matter the religion its followers will practice it on the cafeteria plan: A little bit of this, a whole lot of this, and oh, none of that
  • No matter the religion,Its followers will practice it on the cafeteria plan: A little bit of this, a whole lot of this and oh, none of that!
  • No matter the religion, the followers of a religion practice it on the cafeteria plan 1/2
  • No matter the religion, its followrs will practice it on the cafeteria plan: A little bit of this, a whole lot of this, and oh, none of tht!
  • @ATTCustomerCare an a la carte, "cafeteria" plan. Let me pay for only the channels I want to watch. Once that becomes reality, I'll be back.
  • A5 Tomorrow local Singapore Math conference. 2PD at school: Google Drive & iPad Video. Chose from a "cafeteria plan" so to speak #txeduchat
  • RT @pddavidson: "Excuse me, HR person. Does your benefits package include both a cafeteria plan and a (rolls up sleeve above bicep) FLEX pl…
  • "Excuse me, HR person. Does your benefits package include both a cafeteria plan and a (rolls up sleeve above bicep) FLEX plan?"
  • @JasonAtZane Thanks Jason. Is that different from the Cafeteria plan option I mention in the article?
  • A cafeteria plan was mentioned as a benefit. I thought this meant there was a cafeteria in the building, turns out I was wrong.
  • Answer by @l_riddell to How do cafeteria plans work? Specifically, should I still be having money deducted for the c…
  • A lot of folks live their lives by the cafeteria plan….self-service only. - Joe Moore #quotes #quote
  • クリエイトおそうじクラブからのお知らせ 豊富なメニューから必要なところだけを選ぶカフェテリアプラン とても好評です。
  • クリエイトおそうじクラブからのお知らせ たくさんのメニューの中からご予算の範囲でお好きなところを選べるハウスクリーニング カフェテリアプラン好評です
  • @AnneStull @NotGayDalek @YahooNews as much as I can bc it's not a cafeteria plan where you pick/choose what you like & disregard the rest
  • There are advantages to being a company driver, such as a safety Bonus, cafeteria plan(Which Norsemen pays $174/month into) & paid vacation.
  • Phrase of the Day - Cafeteria Plan For Employee Benefits - News - #ESL