calamine lotion


Calamine is a mixture of zinc oxie (ZnO) with about 0.5% iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). It is the main ingredient in calamine lotion and is used as an antipruritic (anti-itching agent) to treat mild pruritic conditions such as sunburn, eczema, rashes, poison ivy, chickenpox, insect bites and stings.It is also used as a mild antiseptic to prevent infections that can be caused by scratching the affected area, and an astringent to dry weeping or oozing blisters and acne abscesses.

Trivia about calamine lotion

  • For this lotion mentioned in a Coasters song, think pink
  • Ointment of zinc & ferric oxide used for inflammations of the skin
  • With this type of lotion used to relieve itching from poison oak & poison ivy you'll be "in the pink", literally

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