calorie counts


Tweets about calorie counts

  • OMFG Tyler calorie counts this aint gonna be good when they swap wives #celebritywifeswap
  • Every calorie counts
  • @Mulvado Yeah same. It's hard to hit calorie counts lol.
  • Calorie counts on vending machines is like un advertising
  • RT @BDOConsumer: Do calorie counts at restaurants help shape customers' orders?
  • Do calorie counts at restaurants help shape customers' orders?
  • Before going to a restaurant, check menus, many places post calorie counts on online. #diets #overweight #weightloss #loseweight #diet
  • How to stay away from this kind of #beverages that have high #calorie counts
  • As if the calorie counts well deter anyone...
  • @MissSafeT focus on what u eat. Calorie counts. Plus u can't workout. It's gonna be a tough one .. #toughenough ..
  • @rj_trades AMC and SBUX now posting calorie counts on Menu board. Large Popcorn and Coke is like 2k. Wife saw and I went popcornless
  • Stoddard's POV: #Schwarzenegger Signs #CA #LAW Requiring #Calorie Counts via @marystod
  • @S_DeVito calorie counts for no reason...your beautiful and you need to stop 😘
  • If you were to cut just 10 calories from your day you'd cut 3,650 a year aka a pound of fat. Every calorie counts.