campaign signs


Tweets about campaign signs

  • A lot of people holding campaign signs at intersections today, and I'm pretty sure at least a few of them have no idea what their sign says.
  • "But you guys don't even have campaign signs up." Yep, and guess who doesn't have to take signs down during tropical storms.
  • @reconjoe8tet68 @HeidiL_RN @elemonader Take notice of the campaign signs in yards.
  • RT @Deleonforjudge: Campaign Signs are going out! If you have a great location with a lot of traffic on a busy street, private...
  • Campaign Signs are going out! If you have a great location with a lot of traffic on a busy street, private...
  • @johnramos91 @AllisonStanle10 campaign signs blocking the truth out
  • Column: Get Your Sign Outta My Yard: Chronicle editor Dave Askins offers his thoughts on campaign signs – after...
  • @GarwoodForJudge heads up on the Beakes & Fifth Ave. campaign signs, which measure 8x4, larger than the 3x4 A2 city ordinance allows.
  • RT @SaschaaBroon: Vandalising the no campaign signs.. How pathetic.. ❌
  • Vandalising the no campaign signs.. How pathetic.. ❌
  • "All politics is local." Campaign signs on an abandoned building in Harmony, MN, USA. #leica #photography
  • @Talkmaster Just spent weekend in Michigan, all the campaign signs are out... and none have party affiliation in print readable from road.
  • @cbbnz @hcirePT @rnz_news @morningreport plonking campaign signs on your front lawn is invitation enough.
  • RT @chelseapatel: Best thing about AZ monsoons? Knocking down these excessive/stupid campaign signs.
  • Some guy's autographing campaign signs and something's not implied? BTW, this one from same package ran. @fotodave
  • The moment was when - after Tagg Romney's speech - he was invited to autograph campaign signs by many in crowd. @fotodave
  • CAMPAIGN SIGNS STOLEN!! This kind of behavior has taken place in past elections -- and we need to make sure it...
  • @knoxcounty: Plastic Corrugated campaign signs, piece of bale wire, loop both sides of wire. Tie to... too funny!
  • RT @knoxcounty: Plastic Corrugated campaign signs, piece of bale wire, loop both sides of wire. Tie to hubcap #knoxwx #Macgyver