

The Cappies (Critics an Awards Program) is an international program for recognizing, celebrating, and providing learning experiences for high school theater and journalism students and teenage playwrights. There are currently 17 Cappies programs in the U.S. and Canada, ranging in size from five to fifty-five participating high schools. Within each program, every participating high school selects three to nine students for a critic team. After receiving intensive training in theater criticism and review writing, they attend plays and musicals at other high schools in their area. They write reviews (of roughly 400 words) on deadline. Volunteer teacher-mentors lead discussions and select the critic-written reviews that are later published by area newspapers, with student bylines. The programs operate in and around Baltimore, Maryland; Cincinnati, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; El Paso, Texas; Ft. Lauderdale – Palm Beach, Florida; Houston, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Melbourne, Florida; Northern New Jersey; Orange County, California; Orlando, Florida; Philadelphia, PA; St. Louis, Missouri; Salt Lake City, Utah; Springfield, Missouri; Washington, DC; Edmonton, Canada; and Ottawa, Canada. To start a Cappies program, a group of interested persons must organize a local Steering Committee and apply for a charter. There is no fee for the first year, and minimal fees for subsequent years. The Cappies is a charitable organization, and the adults who run the program are volunteers.

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Tweets about cappies

  • sorry, didn't realize that was in all cappies.
  • Love my co-cappies 💋🎀 @ Portabello Banquet Hall
  • I finished my cappies review and it was 550 words........ #feelinaccomplished
  • Only people at cappies are our table.. And the whole force of state troopers. #brownbaggin
  • And.... Tonight is cappies....
  • Throw back to the Cappies gala 🎬🎥
  • “@lili_silver: First Cappies show this Friday 😁” I'm so excited
  • First Cappies show this Friday 😁
  • Und immer diese dussligen Fackelmann Cappies. #PromiBoxen
  • But how about them "Cappies" HON?'
  • Rehearsals will commence Tuesday after school. Williams and Cappies critics have a training on Monday after school at Taravella.
  • RT @MarquetteStangs: Congrats to @mhsmtc for their 2013-2014 Cappies nominations! Story courtesy of @WestNewsmag :
  • RT @MHSPrincipal: Check out this article about our MHS Theatre Co @mhsmtc
  • Check out this article about our MHS Theatre Co @mhsmtc
  • Congrats to @mhsmtc for their 2013-2014 Cappies nominations! Story courtesy of @WestNewsmag :
  • Congrats #cappies winner @myrwu for meeting "Eat Local Challenge" (and serving crab cakes)!
  • interested in theatre, writing, &journalism? Cappies Critics meeting tuesday at lunch in Drama Room
  • RT @cappex: Congrats to @MaranathaEDU for making our Top 25 best schools for #college food! Those are well-fed students. #cappies