

Capybara (Hyrochoerus hydrochaeris, also known as capibara, chigüiro and carpincho in Spanish, and capivara in Portuguese) is the largest living rodent in the world. It is related to agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs. Its common name, derived from Kapiÿva in the Guarani language, means "master of the grasses" while its scientific name, hydrochaeris, is Greek for "water hog".

Trivia about capybara

  • Large web-footed rodent seen here
  • Water hog is another name for this, the largest living rodent, that looks like a giant guinea pig
  • A S. Am. delicacy, this water-dwelling herbivore was declared a fish by the Vatican so it could be eaten during Lent
  • This largest rodent, a native of South America & Panama, has no visible tail
  • This large South American rodent is also called a water pig
  • At 75 to 100 pounds, this largest South American rodent can be turned into quite a few Quarter Pounders
  • The world's largest rodent:pay a crab
  • Because of its webbed feet, this largest rodent is a clumsy runner, but it can remain underwater for 5 minutes
  • Also called a water hog, this largest rodent in the world has webbed feet that make it a very good swimmer