

The original catacombs are a network of unerground burial galleries beneath San Sebastiano fuori le mura, in Rome. The derivation of the word itself is disputed and it remains unclear if it ultimately derives from the cemetery itself or from the locality in which it is found. There is no doubt however that the San Sebastiano catacombs are the first to be referred to as such.

Trivia about catacombs

  • Underground tombs often used to hide the dead
  • Many of these subterranean Christian cemeteries in Rome have been found using written ancient guides
  • Deadyet?.com has a great page on these early Christian burial chambers near Rome
  • These underground cemeteries around Rome contain the remains of many early Christians
  • In the 200s & 300s A.D., Christians built these burial places into soft tufa rock on the outskirts of Rome
  • A St. Valentine's church in Italy was built over one of these subterranean tombs where his remains were found