catullus 16


Catullus 16 is famous among Catullus's Carmina because it is so sexually explicit that a full English translation was not openly publishe until the late twentieth century. Several editions of Catullus omit the more explicit parts of the poem. An interesting example is the 1924 Loeb Catullus: this omits lines 1 and 2 from the English translation, but includes them in the Latin; lines 7-14 are omitted from both Latin and English; a later Loeb edition gives the complete text in both languages. Other editions have been published with the explicit words blanked out. The poem is famous among classicists as a benchmark of classical obscenity and invective.

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Tweets about catullus 16

  • Catullus 16... Oh... Poem of the week, check it out, thank me later
  • Catullus 16 in Modern Greel. Watch your mouths #Catullus #translation
  • Made a joke about Catullus 16 today and nearly everyone in the room exploded.
  • But parts of Catullus 16 were so explicit that they didn't even think printing the Latin would be acceptable. So they left that out too.