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Trivia about centipede

  • This bug has been called a "hundred-legger"
  • Despite its name, it can have anywhere from 14 to 177 piars of legs
  • Although most don't have nearly that many, its name means "100-footed"
  • One of these chilopoda arthropods has as many as 177 pairs of legs; most have 15 to 23 pairs
  • It's hard to see just how many legs this bug has since it only comes out at night
  • Dona Bailey co-created this arcade game where a leggy arthropod has to be removed from a mushroom patch
  • This arthropod is nicknamed the "hundred-legger", though some may have 170 pairs of legs
  • A giant species of this "hundred-legged" insect grows to 12 inches in length & eats lizards
  • One of Japan's most complex kites is the mukade-dako, formed of jointed sections to look like this insect