cerebral cortex


The cerebral cortex is a structure within the brain that plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, an consciousness. In non-living, preserved brains, the outermost layer of the cerebrum has a grey color, hence the name grey matter. Grey matter is formed by neurons and their unmyelinated fibers, whereas the white matter below the grey matter of the cortex is formed predominantly by myelinated axons interconnecting different regions of the central nervous system. The human cerebral cortex is 2-4 mm (0.08-0.16 inches) thick.

Trivia about cerebral cortex

  • The thalamus acts as a relay device between the senses & this cortex

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Tweets about cerebral cortex

  • It's A Blog Hop! Welcome To The Inner Workings Of My Cerebral Cortex. via @meg_lago
  • Promising news for TBI ....