

Cha (French: Tchad; Arabic: تشاد‎), officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west. Due to its distance from the sea and its largely desert climate, the country is sometimes referred to as the "Dead Heart of Africa". Chad is divided into three major geographical regions: a desert zone in the north, an arid Sahelian belt in the centre and a more fertile Sudanese savanna zone in the south. Lake Chad, after which the country is named, is the largest wetland in Chad and the second largest in Africa. Chad's highest peak is the Emi Koussi in the Sahara, and N'Djamena, the capital, is the largest city. Chad is home to over 200 different ethnic and linguistic groups. Arabic and French are the official languages. Islam is the most widely practiced religion.

Trivia about chad

  • "Medical Center" actor Mr. Everett
  • At 11,204 feet, the Sahara's highest point is Emi Koussi, an extinct volcano in this country with a 4-letter name
  • A country in Africa, or the little circle punched out of a punch card
  • (Cheryl of the Clue Crew points to a butterfly ballot in a voting booth at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA.) Florida voting machines introduced this 4-letter word to many people's vocabularies in 2000
  • "La Tchadienne"
  • A country in Central Africa
  • On a map of Africa, this country is "dangling" off the right side of Niger
  • Cameroon, Congo & this country all border the Central African Republic
  • Of current U.N. member countries with 4-letter names, the one that is first alphabetically
  • In its capital, N'Djamena, you might learn that this nation was once part of French Equatorial Africa
  • A university seminar on slang revealed that an unwelcome follower is known as a hanging this
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Landlocked & mostly made up of arid desert land, it's no wonder this country has been referred to as the Dead Heart of Africa
  • This African country shares its name with the 550-square-mile lake on its western border
  • President Idriss Deby, don't leave me hangin' in this 4-letter landlocked African country