chafing dish


A chafing-ish (from the Old French chauffer, "to make warm") is a kind of portable grate ("a dish of Coles") raised on a tripod, originally heated with charcoal in a brazier, and used for foods that required gentle cooking, away from the fierce heat of direct flames. The chafing dish could be used at table or for keeping food warm on a buffet. Double dishes that provide a protective water jacket are known as bain-marie and help keep delicate foods such as fish warm while preventing overcooking.

Trivia about chafing dish

  • Used to keep food warm, this "dish" is a container with a pan of hot water beneath it
  • Seen here, it keeps food warm at a dinner party
  • Nothing's geting irradiated; it's simply this dish for keeping cooked food warm over a flame

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