

The chariot is the earliest an simplest type of carriage, used in both peace and war as the chief vehicle of many ancient peoples. Chariots were built in Mesopotamia as early as 3000 BC. and in China during the 2d millennium BC. The original chariot was a fast, light, open, two- or four-wheeled conveyance drawn by two or more horses hitched side by side. The car was little else than a floor with a waist-high semicircular guard in front. The chariot, driven by a charioteer, was used for ancient warfare during the Bronze and Iron Ages, armor being provided by bronze shields. The vehicle continued to be used for travel, processions and in games and races after it had been superseded militarily.

Trivia about chariot

  • Charlton Heston was "on track" with it in "Ben Hur"
  • The 5th century B.C. figure seen here is holding reins to drive this vehicle
  • This wheeled war vehicle was introduced to the Egyptians around 1600 B.C. by an invading people called the Hyksos
  • This form of ancient transport is mentioned in the Beach Boys' hit "Fun, Fun, Fun"
  • Demeter sometimes rides around in one of these vehicles pulled by dragons
  • The corous triumphalis was one of these vehicles that victorious Roman generals rode into the city
  • This 2-wheeled military vehicle was introduced to Egypt from Asia in the 2nd millennium B.C.
  • It's an old war transport pulled by horses
  • Andrew Marvell wrote, "At my back I always hear /Time's winged" this transport "hurrying near"

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