charles, martel


Users that searched for charles, martel

Tweets about charles, martel

  • Obama's current foreign policy: If you need a modern Charles Martel, don't look at me.
  • RT @skippable: Wannstedt commentating on a second generation AirRaid offense is like asking Charles Martel about a manned mission to Mars
  • Prochaine reunion du Collectif Charles Martel Mardi à 11 h à Levallois en présence de @blabladujour1. Thème : Comment les faire partir ?
  • In a memorable 9 day battle in 732 A.D., the French Christians under Charles Martel defeated the Mohammedans at Tours, & thus stop their ...
  • RT @aynrandfan: Where is Charles Martel now that we need him? #Caliphate
  • Where is Charles Martel now that we need him? #Caliphate