chess theory


In 1913, preeminent chess historian H.J.R. Murray wrote in his 900-page magnum opus A History of Chess that, "The game possesses a literature which in contents probably excees that of all other games combined." He estimated that at that time the "total number of books on chess, chess magazines, and newspapers devoting space regularly to the game probably exceeds 5,000." In 1949, B.H. Wood opined that the number had increased to about 20,000.David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld wrote in 1992 that, "Since then there has been a steady increase year by year of the number of new chess publications. No one knows how many have been printed..." The world's largest chess library, the John G. White Collection at the Cleveland Public Library, contains over 32,000 chess books and over 6,000 bound volumes of chess periodicals. Chessplayers today also avail themselves of computer-based sources of information unimagined by Murray.

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  • RT @chess_chat: Lasker thought that his rationalism rendered him immune from the surprises of chess theory. - Savielly Tartakower
  • Lasker thought that his rationalism rendered him immune from the surprises of chess theory. - Savielly Tartakower
  • Wish I had more time to study chess theory.
  • #followme#взаимный как переводится chess theory?