chocolate allergy


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Tweets about chocolate allergy

  • @hanlsp I grew up with a chocolate allergy, and Zero bars were, like, the only candy bar I could eat. I have a total nostalgia love for them
  • RT @AllergyNurseUK: Adult allergy case presentations: an interesting case of hot chocolate allergy in someone who can eat chocolate #bsaci2…
  • Adult allergy case presentations: an interesting case of hot chocolate allergy in someone who can eat chocolate #bsaci2014
  • I am not saying I hate you, but it would be amazing if you would develop a chocolate allergy.
  • @huxley06 The best flavour. Heard about someone who has developed chocolate allergy - I'd be mortified.
  • I think I'm developing some kind of chocolate allergy and if that happened I better just die
  • @RaeAChang But clearly you still eat well!! I had a chocolate allergy as a teenager. That was horrible. For a teenager girl.
  • “@DeliciousTbh: Oreo Mocha Shake If I didn't have this chocolate allergy tho...
  • @MelodyButler @MeganSm9707 u show me victim of chocolate allergy & I'll show u a victim of a vax injury and see if they r on the same level!
  • @MelodyButler @MeganSm9707 and then you compare an adverse reaction to vaccine to a chocolate allergy.. Omg.Really?!