christian symbols


Tweets about christian symbols

  • RT @Ramsey_19: And almost all of said racist trolls claim to love Jesus and have overt Christian symbols on profiles. Crazy. #Ferguson
  • “@Ramsey_19: And almost all of said racist trolls claim to love Jesus and have overt Christian symbols on profiles. Crazy. #Ferguson” yeah
  • And almost all of said racist trolls claim to love Jesus and have overt Christian symbols on profiles. Crazy. #Ferguson
  • @atheistie @Pavel_napsal Because it's FINE to desecrate Christian symbols. Just don't sing a children's piggy song on a Brit bus.
  • Christian Symbols Bolder Borders #teachers #homeschool
  • Overheard: me: *mentions my tattoo idea* friend from work: you should get some christian symbols me I walk...
  • RT @dikgaj: All note @BHPanimalwatch @RichardFoxYoung maintaining total silence on Breivik badges use of Islamic+Commie+Christian symbols @…
  • Do you see any #Christian symbols or crosses? Of course not. They are banned on public sites. Why? Because #Talmudism rules the #US.
  • @CuriousSatan @JL02048628 Using Christian symbols doesn't mean you are a Christian.
  • @CuriousSatan @JL02048628 As you said, most Germans were Christians so the Nazi leadership incorporated Christian symbols.