

In human anatomy, the clavicle or collar bone is classifie as a long bone that makes up part of the shoulder girdle (pectoral girdle). It receives its name from the Latin clavicula ("little key") because the bone rotates along its axis like a key when the shoulder is abducted. (This movement is palpable with the opposite hand). In some people, particularly females who may have less fat in this region, the location of the bone is clearly visible as it creates a bulge in the skin.

Trivia about clavicle

  • The collarbone, more technically known as this, is part of the pectoral girdle
  • The technical term for your collarbone
  • A turkey's wishbone or your collarbone
  • Evel says he's broken 35 bones, including this, the slender bone that forms the anterior part of the shoulder
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads in front of a skeleton)It's the medical name for these two bones, from the Latin for "key"; in birds, they fuse to form a wishbone

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