

The Clonorchis sinensis is a human liver fluke in the class Trematoa, Phylum Platyhelminthes. This parasite lives in the liver of humans, and is found mainly in the common bile duct and gall bladder, feeding on bile. These animals, which are believed to be the third most prevalent worm parasite in the world, are endemic to Japan, China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, currently infecting an estimated 30,000,000 humans.

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  • RT @Rishi_vem: Cholangiocarcinoma RF's: (5C's) -Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis -Choledochal cyst -Ulcerative colitis -Chr Typhoid carriers…
  • Clonorchis sinesis = nama latin cacing hati. Ribet namanya-..-
  • Clonorchis sinensis. Apa coba nama latin-____-